Tomato Living Lab video capsules

Video Capsule #7: Núria Carazo (UPC) – How can research improve tomato production?

Núria Carazo is a professor of plant production at the School of Agri-Food and Biosystems Engineering of the UPC. In this video she explains why tomato is given so much importance in agri-food research. And it is not for lack of projects: from commercial, sensory and postharvest quality improvement to research in development. How to make tomato plants better adapted and more resistant? Are grafting a good idea? What about trellising? What pruning do we do? How do we distribute and what fertilization do we apply? 

Video Capsule #6: The tomato sector in Almería​

Joan Carlos Pérez Mesa is a Professor at the University of Almería. Member of the Business Organization Area and specialist in the Almeria orchard. In this video, he summarizes the development of tomato production in Almeria, its main challenges in competitiveness, and the need for adaptation of the sector.

Video Capsule #4: Joan Casals (FMA/UPC) on the Germplasm Bank of Fundació Miquel Agustí​

Joan Casals is the scientific director of the Fundació Miquel Agustí, a research team on traditional Catalan agricultural varieties. In this video, he explains the services of the germplasm bank of the FMA/UPC: a library of fitogenetic resources at the service of farmers.


Video Capsule #3: Biological pest control with Macrolophus Pigmeus

Martina Cubí is a technician of the Federació d’Agrupacions de Defensa Vegetal Selmar. In this video, she shows a case of success in the biological pest control: from whiteflies to Macrolophus. How can we control the whitefly with ecological methods? How can tobaco plants can help with pest control? What is the value of reservoir margins?

Video Capsule #2: Management and control of tuta absoluta in tomato crops

Martina Cubí is a technician of the Federació d’Agrupacions de Defensa Vegetal Selmar. In this video she explains the “Management and control of tuta absoluta in tomato”, considered the main pest of tomatoes. How to identify it? How to deal with the pest? How does sexual confusion work? Can we use natural enemies?

Video Capsule #1: Intervention at the Horticultural Congress on Commercialisation

Intervention by Professor Zein Kallas during the session dedicated to commercialization as part of the First Horticultural Congress of Catalunya, organized by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and RuralCat – Generalitat de Catalunya (Constantí, October 25, 2023).